Responding to Vegan Myths Part 3

   Responding to Vegan Myths: Part 3

By: Megan

     A very common thing I hear a lot is "vegans are healthy". This can be true, but not all vegans are healthy. It is a widespread idea that vegans are healthier than omnivores because meat and dairy are known to cause a lot of health issues, but does being vegan automatically make you healthy? 

    Becoming vegan does not automatically make anyone healthy. Maybe 10, 15 years ago, a vegan would be very healthy, but these days there are so many vegan junk food options. Pretty much anything that a non-vegan eats, there is a vegan equivalent to. There are many vegans who eat whole foods and are extremely healthy. There are also many people like myself who are not necessarily vegan for the purpose of being healthier. Being vegan doesn't mean that I have to give up anything. I still have an enjoyable life and love everything I eat. It does not always have to be just eating fruits and veggies although we should all strive to get our daily fruits and veggies in. 

    There is also such thing as trying to be too healthy. There are raw vegans who only eat foods that are not cooked. This causes them to not get in certain nutrients which is very unhealthy. A lot of raw vegans are severely malnourished and underweight and many people who have tried raw veganism have gotten extremely sick or almost died because of it. 

    Being vegan is all about balance. One can be an extremely healthy vegan or a junk food vegan. All that matters is that you are happy and healthy. 


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