5 Things I Learned By Going Vegan

5 Things I Learned By Going Vegan

By: Megan  

   I have been vegan for two years now. I have learned so much along the way and am continuing to learn new things every single day. 

1. Just because it's vegan doesn't mean it's healthy

    Many people think veganism is this healthy diet and is really good for you. I thought this before going vegan as well; however, just like any other diet, veganism can range from being extremely healthy to being super unhealthy. There are tons of healthy options and there are even more vegan junk food options. It all depends on you and your journey. Vegan alternatives can be really instrumental in converting non-vegans to being vegan in a matter of days. These include but are not limited to faux meats, cheeses, and even mac n cheese.
 2. Not everyone will agree

     It was a shocker when people did not agree with my lifestyle at first. Just because others do not agree with your choices, doesn't mean it is a bad decision or a not so good choice. You do what you think is good for your body because truly YOU are the only one who is qualified to make that decision. It is okay to disagree with someone else and it is perfectly okay to still be friends with them, just do not allow yourself to be in a toxic relationship with someone.

3. A lot of people won't understand

    I have found that a lot of people do not understand and may not ever understand why I went vegan. It is a very personal choice and even though people don't understand does not mean I should treat them as lesser. Everyone is subject to their own opinion and no one should ever be belittled or harassed for their opinion. It is important that we instead try to teach them and help them understand to the best of our ability. I believe that nobody is a lost cause and if we work with them eventually they will get it.

4. Spices Are EVERYTHING

    Spices have the ability to make any type of flavor one could want. I never knew how big of a role spices played in making things taste amazing until I went vegan.  I am now able to make literally anything. I can make vegan chicken taste like chicken or vegan steak taste like steak. It is a super easy and affordable way to have amazing, delicious vegan food.

5. Milk is in Everything

    Whether it is powdered milk, whey or regular cows milk it is in everything (okay that may be a bit exaggerated). A lot of them make absolutely no sense, like how some chewing gums contain milk protein. I can never understand why companies choose to make products with milk when they would get more revenue and consumers if it was without milk. It is now very important that I check every product thoroughly to ensure it does not contain milk.


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